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Health and Safety

The Woodlands

To all visitors and residents alike, please use the designated pathways to access the woodlands-Note that the pathways can become slippery when wet.

Track at the far end of the A10 woodland – There has been a cliff fall along and under the far end track. The track is now undercut by 18 inches in places. There is a significant fall (on the lakeside down to rocks below) - It is unsafe to use this track.

The Lakes

The jetty located in the first bay does not have planning permission granted and will be removed in due course.

Deep water - The lake has steep sides and deep water- take care near the water’s edge. DANGER DEEP WATER


Anyone using a boat should always wear an approved life vest.


There are designated areas to fish the lake. Fishing rules are available from the lake owner. No fishing should be carried out without a full Environment Agency rod licence. No fishing from a boat is allowed without prior notification to the owner.


Any children visiting the lake should always be supervised in and around the lake.


Along the western footpath boundary over 600 metres of both high quality security fencing and significant predator fencing has been erected.

We also have Tim who patrols the grounds daily with his trusty Staffordshire bull terrier Harley.